This week marks the beginning of the end of my ISM journey. I completed my final product and my final presentation night is only a week away. As such, I am now wrapping up everything I have done in this class thus far.
This Friday, I submitted the completed version of my final product. The final paper ended up being 15 pages, not including the title pages and work cited, which was longer than I anticipated especially because I initially planned to add another two parts to the paper which would have made it much longer. There were many challenges and changes that my final product went through but I am happy with the paper that I was able to create.
I began preparing a presentation for the Final Presentation Night on April 22nd. This presentation is meant to cover all the work that I have done in ISM. After reviewing all my research and looking at presentations from past students, I plan to divide the presentation into four major parts. I will cover my secondary research, interviews, original work, and final product. I was worried that I would not reach the 30 minute time limit of the presentation, but after practicing the speech, I found that I was instead facing difficulty trying to keep the presentation under the limit. I will continue to rehearse the speech until I am well prepared for the 22nd.
As I see my time in ISM coming to an end, I am realizing how much I have learned through this experience. I am grateful for the skills I was able to develop through this experience, and I look forward to what I can do in the future.