This week marked the end of my ISM course. The Final Presentation Night, which we have been working towards since the start of the year has passed and all the work we have started has been wrapped up. Now, I can add my final ISM blog to the list of many other lasts I have experienced during the end of my senior year.
The Final Presentation Night both went by quickly and felt never ending. I hardly realized when I had finished speaking after my speech. The 30 minutes did not feel nearly as daunting when it was over. However, while I was speaking it felt like I could keep going forever. The knowledge that I gained over the past 8 months made me more comfortable that I realized at speaking about my subject to others and introducing what I had learned to them in an approachable way. Reaching the last slide of my presentation marked the end of this chapter of my academic and professional journey.
As I move forward, I know I will be able to make use of knowledge skills I have gained through the ISM program. No matter how initially awkward, I am able to make those cold calls and write that first email when I need to. I have shown myself that I have the passion and ability to complete a large scale independent project. By carrying these skills with me to college and beyond, I know I can create my success in the future.