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Connecting the Dots


This week was uneventful for the most part. I contacted a few more professionals and I am waiting for responses to hopefully get more interviews to help me gain more information and assistance.

This is the week where I also started to write the draft of my final product. The writing process was an intimidating aspect of this product for me to start. However, it was not as challenging as I expected, partly due to all the research I had done beforehand to prepare for this part. It felt as if I was collecting all this evidence to solve a mystery. Now that I have all the evidence up on my board, all that is left is to grab the red string and connect it all together. That is not to say there have not been challenges in the writing process, but I know the pieces I am working with. All that is left is to rearrange it into the right order.

I hope to have the rough draft of the literature review portion of my final product done by the end of this week as that is going to be the longer part of my project and I want to ensure I have enough time to revise it before the submission date next week.


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