This week I finished working on my poster board that I will be using for the ISM Gallery Walk this coming Wednesday. I am happy with how my poster board came out and I have made plans to add my mentor’s bio at a later date. The poster matches the colors of my website for my original work which helps tie all of it together and helps reinforce the brand that I had established at the start of the year.
I am looking forward to this showcase as it will give me more practice for the later presentation I will have to give about my work. I feel well prepared for the gallery walk, especially after the practice I have had including giving my 20-minute speech in class and memorizing the key points of my elevator pitch.
I also spent some time next week narrowing down my research question for my final product. I was sure that I wanted to see the relationship between the morality of fictional characters and how viewers perceive that character. I have now narrowed down the character types that I want to examine. Using the term good or bad to describe their morality and liked or disliked to describe the audience's reception of said character, I will find the following four character types: good-liked, good-disliked, bad-liked, bad-disliked. To study these characters I have expanded my research to other models of audience reception of characters. Some of these models support the previous ADT theory I studied and others go against it and I am curious to learn why and what that means for my research.