The Gallery Walk was the main activity of this week and now that I have experienced it, I can say that it was very beneficial. Because of the teachers and students who approached me, I got to practice what I would say at the ISM Showcase and later the Final Presentation Night. These conversations helped me refine my elevator pitch and prepared me for the possible questions I will be asked about my research and learning.
The Gallery Walk also helped me understand what parts of my poster board I wanted to change. I had written a paragraph at least under each of my headers on the poster, anticipating that I would reference back to them while I was talking with others, however, I did not reference back to the board as much as I thought. Looking at it now, the large wall of text was informative but not very inviting. I plan to turn much of the text on the board into bullet points to make it easier and less intimidating for a viewer to read.
Overall, the Gallery Walk was a great learning experience. I got to get practice at what the later showcases will feel like and I was able to do some valuable reflection that will help me improve my poster for the future. With this major event completed, I will turn my attention to my final product this coming week.